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Rest of the stuff I watched in January

I was quite happy with the sum-up I did earlier this month so I decided to carry it on for a while. Even if it's a little embarrassing to see just how much time I spend staring at the screen...

I can't say it was disappointing because I wasn't expecting anything from it (I didn't know anything about it before I started watching it) but I'm certainly surprised it got so much praise (which I found out after I finished it). Characters were the worst. I honestly can't remember that badly written protagonists in a quality TV. They were all so inconsistent that nothing they did or said seemed to make any sense to me. Some of the cases were quite interesting and they served as a fuel for the show every now and then but the overarching main story spectacularly failed to deliver. Too much faith was put in two things Americans seem to love more than I can understand: serial killers and story based on true events. Sure, those two can spice things up but they don't guarantee anything and they weren't able to do much for this show, not for me anyway.

Downton Abbey
This show started out as a really great period piece capturing big and significant changes of the early 20th century but then gradually downgraded to high-quality soap opera. The shift happens somewhere in the late part of season 2 and in season 3, though it's not an immediately noticeable one, it only occurred to me in a retrospect. The action slows down - first two seasons cover eventful eight years between 1912 and 1920, remaining four seasons get us only as far as Christmas and New Year's Eve of 1925. At the beginning, the titular Downton Abbey and its inhabitants serve as an illustration for the era, with time the focus shifts towards personal dramas of the main cast. Mood changes from bitter-sweet to rather sappy culminating with a happy end combo. Characters also change from flesh-and-blood people to their strongly whitewashed versions. In the end, everybody was so open-minded and noble that it was almost ridiculous. Despite all that, Downton Abbey never becomes really bad and while I wish it had stayed the ambitious show it was at the start, I quite enjoyed it all. It's not like high-quality soap opera is the worst that could happen. And there was always the pleasure of admiring historical fashion.

Rick and Morty
This show is the bomb. It's only February, I'm very optimistic about the good stuff that the near future will bring, but I already declare this show as one of my greatest discoveries of 2018 without a hint of doubt. That's how certain I am of how rarely this amount of awesome cumulates in one show. At first (namely after 1st episode), it seemed to be just one of those vulgar American shows that spring up every now and then as a reliever for dominant prudeness of the country. But it was obvious in no time that it's so much more than that. Calling it a fountain of creativity doesn't even begin to give it justice. People behind that show took the notion that everything exists in an infinite universe very seriously. That's a huge plus for me because many supposedly weird and exotic stuff is really rather unimaginative and just shows how trapped many creators are in their comfort zones. Three existing seasons of the show feature more themes and ideas than the last two decades of Hollywood sci-fi cinema; some of them so disturbing and dark that they wouldn't be out of place in, say, Black Mirror.

I'm very sorry to say it was a major disappointment. It started really well and had all the potential but in no time it became just another show in which nothing happens. Even educational value is rather low. Basically, this show delivers everything it has to offer in first 4 or 5 episodes and then it gets really boring, despite some obvious character development going on. It just couldn't make me care.

13 Reasons Why
After the great success of The End of the F***ing World, I've decided to pay a little more attention to teenage shows. I'm glad I have. 13 Reasons Why is a solid drama touching important issues and handling them really well. Of course, it's not flawless, and people who accuse it of some inconsistency and leaps in logic kind of have a point. But at the same time they kind of miss the whole point too - this show is about highly subjective experiences and deeming them far-fetched because they don't always conform to what seems to be logic is actually very naive and unfair. In this show, we can see relatively small things crushing people and that's in fact quite accurate. The fact that those who were the least responsible from the moral standpoint agonized over what they did the most while those who caused damage far more consciously were able to excuse themselves is also not unrealistic. Yes, we can say that many characters were wrong in their judgement, but I can't see why should we criticise a show for that.


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