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New Year, Me

It's that time of the year again when most people feel they need to take some stand on the issue of New Year's resolutions. Possibilities are quite numerous and I have quite a few thoughts on the subject but I'm too lazy to write it all. To put it in a nutshell: I don't mind but I don't care either and I feel some people care too much while others mind too much.

I guess that's not a very good way to start a blog. Not if one actually wants people to read it, which I do. But this year I have just one resolution: I'll write an honest blog. Not because I think there's some higher value to confessing the petty ugliness of one's soul as opposed to being considerate of what people might actually find interesting. It's just that I came to believe it's the only way for me to keep things going. And I'd like to have a blog that lasts some time. Just because I want to.

Of course, just because I have just one New Year's resolution doesn't mean I have no others. Somewhere at the end of summer, looking realistically at my budget and judging that serious big travels are out of question for a time being, I decided to make small trips from time to time. You know, just going as a tourist to a town 4 hours by bus from my place, enjoying myself for a couple of days and learning new stuff about my own region.

Then, in late fall, I decided that instead of complaining how the fashion industry isn't exactly what I want it to be, I'll learn to sew and get myself a wardrobe of my dreams. It was meant to cut my clothes expenses as well, as the plan is not to buy any new fabric until I finished all my projects from a previous purchase. Well, this one isn't going that great - my sewing machine broke yesterday, just as I was finally getting the wind in my sails with a dress that was supposed to be a late Xmas present for my sister...

About one month ago I realised I haven't been to theatre or opera for ages and I decided to go from time to time. I bought tickets for Magic Flute for my entire family for 29th and we enjoyed ourselves a lot.

I also made a resolution to back some projects on Kickstarter once I get a new card but so far nothing caught my eye.

There's also a resolution to introduce some new dish to my menu every season, to ditch more and more ready-made products in favour of home-made ones and to buy more and more locally grown food, preferably from small sellers. That's happening quite successfully for several years now.

There are also dozens others meant to help me balance and diversify what I read, watch, and play.

Expect a little of everything - small trips, fashion, food, movies, books, games, and any other random subject - on this blog. And have a happy New Year and enjoy all your resolutions or lack of thereof.


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