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Wyświetlanie postów z 2018

My 3rd sewing project

Some time ago I decided to learn how to make my own clothes. As expected, it goes really slowly. I'm not exactly a woman that just sits down and get things done even when I know exactly how (just look at the frequency of this blog's updates...) so obviously when I'm in an uncharted territory the relatively simple things can take ages to complete. This dress was supposed to be a Christmas gift for my sister. It ended up as an Easter one. The fact that my sewing machine broke twice (or actually just once but it wasn't properly fixed the first time so the problem returned really quickly) didn't exactly speed things up but let's be honest, I can't blame more than one week of the delay on it. All the rest was just me being overwhelmed by the fact that I'm trying to transform a piece of fabric into a wearable item. Well, I cannot tell if it is more of a success or a failure. It's not horrible and my sis is able to put it on, but it's not pretty

Stuff I watched in february and march

Altered Carbon I didn't realize how much I wanted to love this series until somewhere in the middle (actually closer to the beginning than the actual middle) I felt a bitter disappointment for not being swept off my feet. On one hand, it's really not fair to call a show of that quality a major letdown just because I was spoiled by some really amazing sci-fi recently. On the other, I just can't help feeling that way. There's a lot of good stuff in Altered Carbon and it's certainly way above average. But it just doesn't click. And once I had no doubt about it, I was getting annoyed by more and more things. The core idea is brilliant but I just couldn't feel the weight of its moral consequences that should be the heart of such vision. Future is not convincing; we are supposed to be several centuries away from the present day and some major change took place, so how come so many things work exactly like they do in the present? It seemed so naive and unimag

Rest of the stuff I watched in January

I was quite happy with the sum-up I did earlier this month so I decided to carry it on for a while. Even if it's a little embarrassing to see just how much time I spend staring at the screen... Mindhunter I can't say it was disappointing because I wasn't expecting anything from it (I didn't know anything about it before I started watching it) but I'm certainly surprised it got so much praise (which I found out after I finished it). Characters were the worst. I honestly can't remember that badly written protagonists in a quality TV. They were all so inconsistent that nothing they did or said seemed to make any sense to me. Some of the cases were quite interesting and they served as a fuel for the show every now and then but the overarching main story spectacularly failed to deliver. Too much faith was put in two things Americans seem to love more than I can understand: serial killers and story based on true events. Sure, those two can spice things u

Why I decided to learn how to sew

I have already touched this subject in my  opening post ; if you want a short version just read the 4th paragraph. If you care to read more, this is your lucky day because I'm going to write more. There are several reasons that combined together made me want to make my own clothes, although each one is good enough on its own: my personal tastes, my size, my low budget, all the problems that come with shopping for clothes online, and finally my great and still growing disapproval of modern fashion industry in general. I always liked styles that were at least a little bit on the extravagant side. As a teenager, I was awed by alternative British fashion of the 1960s and 1970s. I dreamt of Sg. Peppers' jacket, brightly striped bell-bottoms, flowy chiffon dress with insanely wide sleeves, velvet cape, and forest green satin top hat. I was a bit of a geek too and I wanted to dress like sci-fi heroines just as much as I wanted to cosplay Keith Richards, Ian Anderson, or Pete To

soundtrack of the movie playing in my head #2

Andrey Vinogradov is one of those players I follow on YT. There's plenty of awesome stuff on his channel  but I'm especially fond of this piece:

A quick sum-up of the series I've watched recently

I would really like to write a proper full review for most of those titles but I know I won't so I decided to share some general thoughts at least. Totally spoiler-free. So without further ado, this is what I've managed to watch this year, courtesy of the New Year's holidays (well, in many cases I just finished them this year but that's what counts, isn't it?): Babylon Berlin I absolutely love this show. It has a good engaging story, nice pacing and realistic characters but most of all it does all the things I really want from period dramas but which so many titles in the genre fail to deliver: it never neglects properly picturing the era it is set in, in this case, the final breath of the roaring twenties. Costumes and scenography are not over the top which is a plus for me. I mean over the top is good in a posh club but not in the office and in the streets. Not everyone is stylish and clad in latest fashion. There are plenty scenes which don't serve

soundtrack of the movie playing in my head #1

I remember I once wanted to do a project called like this so I'm doing it now. I'm officially incorporating it into this mess of a blog to be. I'm sure you know what I mean by 'the movie playing in my head' - those bits and scraps of inconsistent meta-fantasy into which my mind loves to escape whenever I let it roam on its own. That mental equivalent of someone smashing action figures into each other making shit up as they go. Those things I sometimes feel I should share with the world but most of the times I'd rather die. I doubt I'd ever write here about the actual content of the movie in my mind (but who knows?) and it's all for the best because it would probably be very boring (so sorry in case I change my mind). But sharing the soundtrack is a whole different thing. Or I could just call it 'songs I currently listen to on the loop' but that makes me sound so much more like a trivial person I'd rather stay in my special

New Year, Me

It's that time of the year again when most people feel they need to take some stand on the issue of New Year's resolutions. Possibilities are quite numerous and I have quite a few thoughts on the subject but I'm too lazy to write it all. To put it in a nutshell: I don't mind but I don't care either and I feel some people care too much while others mind too much. I guess that's not a very good way to start a blog. Not if one actually wants people to read it, which I do. But this year I have just one resolution: I'll write an honest blog. Not because I think there's some higher value to confessing the petty ugliness of one's soul as opposed to being considerate of what people might actually find interesting. It's just that I came to believe it's the only way for me to keep things going. And I'd like to have a blog that lasts some time. Just because I want to. Of course, just because I have just one New Year's resolution doesn&#