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Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2018

Rest of the stuff I watched in January

I was quite happy with the sum-up I did earlier this month so I decided to carry it on for a while. Even if it's a little embarrassing to see just how much time I spend staring at the screen... Mindhunter I can't say it was disappointing because I wasn't expecting anything from it (I didn't know anything about it before I started watching it) but I'm certainly surprised it got so much praise (which I found out after I finished it). Characters were the worst. I honestly can't remember that badly written protagonists in a quality TV. They were all so inconsistent that nothing they did or said seemed to make any sense to me. Some of the cases were quite interesting and they served as a fuel for the show every now and then but the overarching main story spectacularly failed to deliver. Too much faith was put in two things Americans seem to love more than I can understand: serial killers and story based on true events. Sure, those two can spice things u